what do you hope to prove by thatの例文
boys hope girls hope
Dobyns is involved with a number of charitable causes such as Heartbeat for Africa, the Beat Cancer Boot Camp, Boys Hope Girls Hope, the Brian Terry Foundation, the Parkinson Foundation, a......

hope against hope
Personally, I hope against hope that Clinton's Bosnian policy works to perfection. We share your hope against hope that some many still survive. They came here Sunday, hoping against hope ......

and i know just what to prove
? ? and i know just what to prove ? And i know just what to prove

burden to prove
It is not their burden to prove who the killer was. The defense has the burden to prove both factors. The Constitution imposes a high evidentiary burden to prove the charge of treason. It'......

correlation does not prove causation
However, correlation does not prove causation, as both variables may be correlated with other, hidden, variables, or the dependent variable may " reverse " cause the independent variables,......

evidence to prove guilt
No way do they have evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We have to have sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. "Especially when the state may have evi......

go to prove
These championships go to prove that good people do finish first. Campbell has a long way to go to prove itself again, Johnson acknowledged. What remains to be seen is how far the Kremlin ......

if i prove false
During Dillon's " The Redcastle Sessions Tour " in June, she had a special promotion whereby anyone who pre-ordered the DVD received a free copy of her single " If I Prove False " to compe......

it is enough to prove
By change of variables it is enough to prove the result there. By linearity it is enough to prove the theorem when each matrix has only one nonzero entry, which is 1. It is enough to prove......

let me prove it
"If I can't do it, then at least let me prove it on the field that I can't do it.

marks to prove it
His grooms and outriders have the teeth marks to prove it. "I did bite him, " said Tyson, not that Lewis needed confirmation; he had the marks to prove it. In March 2015, it was announced ......

nothing to prove
I have nothing to prove to myself or to anyone else. And, four, De La Hoya has nothing to prove. Maybe they had nothing to prove Saturday against the Miami Heat. He had nothing to say beca......

point to prove
Since then, I've had a point to prove. There must be a point to prove Sunday at Giants Stadium. Going to Dallas I had a point to prove to myself. We came prepared and I think we had a poin......

The man is innocent until proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But the complaints are very, very tough to prove sometimes, Expert witnesses on each side try to prove the other wrong. Y......

prove a bit much
The european team proves a bit much for the japanese

prove a negative
"We can't prove a negative ." ** You don't have to prove a negative. I just think it's hard to prove a negative. I cannot be required to prove a negative in an arbitration. "It's hard to p......

prove a point
I proved a point, that I could beat the system. We wanted to jump on them early to prove a point. He remembers Parcells walking out of practice to prove a point. We are not hoping for viol......

prove a will
There are two basic ways to prove a will _ in " common form " or in " solemn form ." Proving a will in common form is generally quicker and costs less, but it also carries the risk that it......

prove abortive
Negotiations leading to this objective began shortly afterwards, but proved abortive. The decision to dismiss Oba proved abortive, and he continued to direct the company. He also planned t......

prove absolutely
Therefore, to me it proves absolutely nothing that neanderthal mitochondria are extinct. There's a four-hour traffic jam next Sunday that will prove absolutely not. If that's the case, you......

prove an alibi
An indictment was framed against him for holding a conventicle in December 1680, but he was able to prove an alibi, having spent the whole of the winter in France.

prove beyond a reasonable doubt
That's hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt ." But the people proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the murders. The government did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that......

prove by contradiction
This can be proved by contradiction. We will now prove by contradiction, that ? has to be the identity ( then we are done ). It uses the Burali-Forti paradox to prove by contradiction that......

prove by experiment
His work is all backed by mathematics and proved by experiment. Reaction mechanisms are difficult to fully prove by experiment. To become an accepted'theory'or'law'- the hypothesis has to ......

prove false to
"Lass of Loch Royale ( If I Prove False to Thee ) " was recorded live at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center in Santa Cruz, CA on November 20, 1999 . The title track is the same as found on " Sky Like......